Scent can profoundly influence your mood. Fact.

I was out on a walk today and feeling a little low in energy. As I walked through a field, I could smell blossom from the trees and it immediately lifted my mood. For the rest of the walk I was thinking about how powerful our sense of smell is when it comes to mood (also watching my dog sniffing out rabbit holes and owl shit and how it changing his mood and filling him with so much excitement).

Having had a reminder of the power of scent, I decided to write a summary of easy ways you can incorporate the power of smell every day in the form of essential oils.

Easy ways to include aromatherapy in your every day

Aromatherapy bead bracelets – these can be quite beautiful and smell great! They’re also known as lava beads. All you need to do is splash a few drops of essential oil on them and they’ll release the scent as you wear them.

Pine cones – a pretty option for home or work. Splash a few drops of essential oil on them and they’ll smell and look fab in a bowl or just in their own. I have a giant one on a shelf. You might want to avoid subtle scents and go for something more robust like a eucalyptus, tea tree, pine or something citrusy.

Homemade lip balms – there are lots of recipes online for homemade lip balm. Oils with a sweet fresh smell like lemongrass, bergamot or mint are a lovely addition to lip balm. An uplifting and moisturising must.

Rollerball – you can buy these pocket-sized rollerball oils as pure scents or blends like ‘inner harmony’. A lovely lady in my team got me one that I keep on my desk. They’re a good portable option and if you like a strong scent as you can layer it up or just put loads on and it’ll soak into your skin. If you don’t like the scent options available you can always make your own oil and put it in a small bottle.

In a carrier oil then take with you in a small bottle. Sweet almond oil makes a great carrier oil but you can also use coconut, olive and other natural oils. You can add lavender for a calming carry around or something energizing to get you through the day. As your nails and cuticles love oil to keep them healthy you could make something to rub on your hands before bed.

Diffusers. I recommend making your own oils for the reed diffusers as it’s much cheaper than buying refills and you can make some great scent combinations. All you do is add four parts carrier oil to one part essential oil. If you want something more potent you can use the electronic diffusers – wall socket or USB. They are great! And fill a room with scent quickly.

Aromatherapy oil combinations
Different essential oils can change your mood in different ways. Here are some suggested combinations for essential oil combinations.

Essential oils for good sleep
Lavender and cedarwood
Lavender and orange

Essential oils for a calming moment
Orange and pine
Ylang ylang and patchouli
Sage and cedarwood

Uplifting essential oils
Bergamot and clove
Grapefruit and lime

Essential oils for concentration
Basil and rosemary
Ylang ylang
As I was writing the above orange and pine combination I had an urge to be in a sauna with that combination of oils. I know what I’ll be doing next week!

Do you have a favourite combination of essential oils? Let me know what and how you use scent to improve your mood! 🙂

Love and light x

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