I know I can bring money into my life, but I’m at a crossroads in terms of how I do that. I wasn’t expecting a serious answer when I asked my guides what I should do for work, but the answer I got blew my mind so I thought I’d share it.

Question – What should I do for work?

The response I got, loud and clear, was – ‘Define work’.

I paused. That’s not what I was expecting. I thought for a while. The question I was really seeking an answer to was, ‘how should I bring money into my life?’. 

We’ve evolved to use the word ‘work’ to mean the activity we do to earn money – an exchange. Work isn’t actually work. So what is work? Work is our soul work. What are we here for? This can be answered on many levels and we can recognise as many or few levels as we wish.

My current thoughts about my own work are:

  • To experience
  • To send positive energy into the world
  • To help others find inner peace and shine their light

Interestingly the opportunities I have involve some or none of these. I’m at a crossroads where I can decide to make my work my ‘work’. If I wish to do so.

We always have free will. If we choose and there are no energetic barriers, then we shall have what we choose. My question was a bit daft really – I didn’t expect an answer. I need to decide what I want and ask for help in getting there.

Have you been clear to your supporting divine team about your work and your ‘work’? 

Love and light xxx