Low mood, lack of energy, loss of appetite, needing solitude, feeling dizzy, frantic or even suicidal? These are a mixture of symptoms associated with anxiety and/or depression and most people, lightworker or not, will experience some or all of these symptoms at some point in their physical life.

Symptoms of anxiety and depression often lead to a trip to the doctor, a sick note and/or prescription of drugs. These are the symptoms, here is a way to manage. But I wonder how the same symptoms were treated in older civilisations. It was once commonplace to visit a healer or shaman when you weren’t feeling right. We had such different knowledge and understanding of ourselves then. Although we’ve built our scientific understanding, we’ve widely lost some fundamental basics in relation to healing.

It’s interesting that as we’ve lost the basic understanding of our energy and lifeforce, the rates of depression and anxiety have soared . Okay, you can argue there are too many variables such as modern day stress and increased awareness but I still find it interesting. Anyway.

Because lightworkers are sensitive to energy and can be guided by physical symptoms, they are WAY more susceptible to symptoms of anxiety and depression. The key is to listen, learn and grow. See these feelings as certificates of development.

Triggers for anxiety and depression symptoms for lightworkers

Too much time around negative energy without protection
People and places both impact our energy. Too much time around low vibrational energy can sap our energy as well as add to it. You could have lost some of your energy or picked up some negative energy. This would make you feel more depressed than anxious – low mood and energy, negative thoughts and not feeling like yourself.

Managing an energy drain
Cleansing – salt baths or visualisation are both great ways to clear your energy. If you want to go one better, then burn some sage while you have a salt bath and visualise your energy being cleansed and negative energy cords being cut.
Protection – remember to include a protection ritual in your daily routine and use crystals such as black tourmaline. If you’re aware of a person that drains your energy then use protection visualisation when you’re around them.

Becoming ungrounded
Too much time with your head in the clouds and not reconnecting to the earth can cause you to feel dizzy, confused, forgetful, disorganised and pretty anxious! This is especially common in newly awakened lightworkers and those who are experienced but fluctuate in their discipline.

Becoming grounded again
There are as many visualisation exercises as you could wish to imagine. You can either search on YouTube for a guided meditation or create your own exercises. I blogged about
an exercise I used to release some fear the other week but I think it works well for grounding too .

Or if you prefer something more physical to burn off some of that frantic energy then why not try swimming or cross-country running. Something less intense could be simple as washing up or gardening but whatever you do, really focus on what it is you’re doing – run through each of your senses and be aware of the moment.

And of course – hematite.

Receiving a new piece of your soul
This happens at various times in your life up to your mid thirties. You can feel slightly uncomfortable in your skin as it takes a while to fit into your higher vibrational energy. Some people feel the need to sleep for much longer than they usually would and experience extreme symptoms of anxiety and may also feel the need to fast.

Managing receiving new soul segments
Relax. If you’re able to then do whatever your body is telling you to as much as possible. Sleep, eat, not eat, whatever. Meditation and asking your guides and angels for helping in settling in will help you feel more at ease. It won’t last forever, it’s like wearing in a new pair of shoes.

Soul depletion after a traumatic experience
Yep. You can lose part of your soul when your energy is impacted by trauma. Sounds painful right? And it certainly can be. The symptoms are similar to excess exposure to negative energy but felt more extremely.

Managing soul loss
The best thing to do here is see an energy healer for some soul retrieval. You can do this by yourself through meditation and visualisation but it’s so much nicer to have someone support you with soul retrieval.


People being… well…. people

Sometimes it can all feel a little much when people around you are disrespectful of others or the environment. Harm can seem so painful to witness and it can lead to feelings of hopelessness and loneliness. The only way I’ve personally managed to, partly, tackle this is to focus on the higher purpose. It won’t always be like this and we’re here to make sure that’s the case. So send love and light into the world and know that forgiveness is a gift.


Do you connect with anything in this blog? Got anything you’d like to contribute as an update? I’d love to hear from you!


Love and light x


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