My team threw me some hilariously timed advice. Again. It makes me chuckle but also feel so well supported. 

I took their advice regarding some other stuff recently so have paired down my next steps in life. Given myself a clearer focus. A shorter list. Broken things down. This goes against my natural bigger picture way of working. But how do we know if a different way is better unless we give it a go right? And if the tip comes from your divine team then there’s naturally a level of trust there.

I have a lot of plates spinning in life – from the outside and often from inside too it can look and feel overwhelming. It doesn’t mean I’ll get less done. It means I have a clearer immediate focus and not thinking of everything else at once. I have a loooooong list of things I both need and want to get done. And it’s always growing. I’m sure you can relate! 

So while working on something I was writing out a few notes about spiritual coaching. My team help me out with work sometimes and today while we were working they added a valid point….for what I was doing but also a current challenge I have. 

Focus on you to make the outside world a whole lot more bearable. Then turn bearable into awesome.

Hahahahaha. Very funny. Also helpful for work.

My other current challenge is around making things more bearable. I have such big ups and downs. One moment I feel on top of the world and like I’m bossing life. Then other times I wonder what the fuck I’m doing and how I’m going to get through the day. Do they match and follow the attention and care I give to myself? Yup. I feel great so I get caught up on experiencing life and forget to give myself time. Then things go downhill. Then I turn to self to turn things around. And round and round I go. It took those words from my team for the dots to suddenly join in my mind. And when I look at my journal it totally matches. 

So how do I smooth out some of these massive ups downs. Thankfully it’s so easy. I just need to remind myself to not neglect myself when things are good. It’s so easy to live as your body when things feel good. I know all of this. I’ve known it for years. But it’s so easy not to act on what we know. And there’s nothing wrong with spotting and owning that. It’s a healthy thing to do.

Also…I must advocate AGAIN the use of journals. It makes identifying patterns so so much easier. 

So what does looking after myself mean? Mind, body and soul. Care for them all. Good food, stay hydrated, exercise, study, do thought exercises, journal, meditate, pray, enjoy moments, walk in nature….you know the stuff. 

Funny thing is, I enjoy all of that. It’s just about where it comes once priority list. 

Where does it cone on your priority list? Does it vary? 

Love and light x