I love a good realisation and moment of clarity. Recently I’ve been feeling a bit cramped. Cramped is the only description that feels right. I was trying to put my finger on what was happening and I now feel so silly that the answer was so blooming obvious!

I needed an energetic stretch.

I have a high need for being alone and having my energy stretch out without any other people around. This is what I call an energetic stretch.

It’s like being sat on a busy, hot, stuffy bus full of people for hours on end with no legroom and feeling cramped. That’s how life makes my energy field feel. Every now and then I need to stand up and stretch my legs. 

I’m pretty sure I’ve always been like that but I never gave myself permission to make space for an energetic stretch. I used to think it was just life getting on top of me and me feeling low on energy/cranky etc.

The funny thing is, my son who is only one year old is exactly the same. He’ll play with people and be happy around people but also likes to take himself off and be on his own. He usually shuts himself in the dog crate under my desk lol.

Extraversion/Introversion I hear you ask?

Nope. I’m a qualified Myers-Briggers Personality Type Practitioner so I know all about MBTI type. I have preferences for ENFP so I am certainly not usually described as an Introvert. The need for an energetic stretch is something different to personality preferences. For sure.

When I have my energetic stretch, I feel like I can breathe again. I feel like the tension in my body is fading away, I feel my energy field refilling. It’s lush. How do I stretch? Any way, any how. The key for me is to be alone and away from people. 

There’s a lot written about finding peace in the chaos, and how to find silence in a world of noise. I spent years absorbing all the literature I could get my hands on but the conclusion I came to is – each to their own! I can find some level of calm in everyday life but the feeling for an energetic stretch is only ever satisfied by me having my alone time. 

Don’t waste your time trying to get a feeling that someone else has written about. If you crave a feeling or experience then let go of the judgement and expectation that you should be able to achieve it a certain way. If you feel less worthy because you can’t do something exactly the same way as someone else then that sucks – stop that. You are just as good at life as the next person. You do it your way as long as you cause no harm to others.

Love and light to you xx