Lots of lightworkers have shared their experiences of anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue and a range of digestive complaints over the past few months (and years). Not to mention the lack of ability to sleep or focus! It’s been fascinating to witness and experience a range of these symptoms. Lightworkers who are active and experienced energy workers through to people I know are lightworkers but haven’t yet awoken. So many people are experiencing these symptoms.

There’s been a lot written online about the energy shifts in 2018 and 2019 (which I don’t have time to cover in this post or claim to know enough about). Lightworkers are impacted by energy – I know that much. So, why wouldn’t an energy shift affect us? It’s important to heal ourselves and bring back the light energy that’s needed to support the overall shift in spiritual consciousness. It’s like in a movie when the villain knocks the good guy to the ground before the good guy finds the inner strength to rise up and claim victory!

What I found interesting is how people were feeling when knocked to the ground and how they found the inner strength to rise up and claim that victory. I wrote myself some notes (as I need to remind myself of these things) so I thought I’d share them in here:

How does an energy shift impact lightworkers?

Anxiety – worry and internal unrest, physical symptoms like headaches, tension and dizziness, avoiding social situations.

Depression and low mood – lack of love or care for self or others, loss of interest in the things that brought you joy, withdrawing from society and avoiding social situations.

Digestive complaints – cramps, vomiting, sudden sensitivity to certain foods, lack of appetite, extreme appetite swings.

Sleep interruptions
– trouble falling asleep due to a buzz in the mind, vivid dreams, waking up for no reason with uneasy feelings.

Hypersensitivity to negativity – more susceptible to energy vampires, higher sensitivity to people and places in general
Loss of focus – feeling lost when it comes to direction and having doubts in faith.

Trouble concentrating – trouble with any mental task even down to the basics of deciding what to eat or wear

How can lightworkers regain balance and energy?

Recognise how you feel – emotionally and physically and keep a journal. Be extra aware of what’s impacting your energy at the moment.

Be kind to your body – sleep when you need, get some extra nutrients through shakes or juices if you’re having digestive problems, get a massage, take a salt bath etc.

Don’t neglect your protection exercises – they’re more important than ever when you’re more susceptible to energy loss. Find time to meditate and use visualisation exercises to protect and rebuild your energy.

Spend time with light-minded people and maybe even a group meditation.

Ask your guides and angels for help
– that’s what they’re there for! But when you’re experiencing the symptoms above it’s sometimes hard to connect. But find time and space to ask for help.

Do some light exercises and grounding – walk in nature, do some gardening, do yoga in the garden.

Use crystals in every day as well as meditation – try quartz, amethyst or tigers eye (energising and grounding)

See an experienced energy healer – because sometimes we all need a helping and caring hand. It can be so recharging to have someone work on your energy.

Are you experiencing any of these symptoms?

Do you think it’s related to the energy shifts or something else going on for you? I’m always interested to hear about peoples’ experience so get in touch and share yours!

Love and light x

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