Take the step, don’t just sit on it

That was the advice I received from my divine team. I was meditating and had been wondering why my big picture plan wasn’t coming together. The advice is sound and makes a lot of sense. We need to take steps to reach a bigger picture goal. If the steps come then take them and don’t just sit on the step wondering what’s coming next.

I have a lot of success with manifestation. I always have done. But there are some things that haven’t come. I was wondering what was different. The answer that came is that some goals need more steps that others. And sometimes I am presented with a step but I don’t take it. I just sit on it. Fair point.

I have a lot of help from divine in this way. I ask a question and I get answers. Sometimes they aren’t the answers I want and they often point out where I’m not helping myself. It’s then up to me whether I take that advice or listen to the answers.

This message was then reinforced for me. My guides know that I sometimes need a message reinforced. Especially when I’m having a bit of a wobble. My son is currently having great fun climbing up and down our stairs. I was following him up the stairs and said to him “come on sweetheart, take the next step. I’m here so I can catch you. Nothing bad can happen.” My own words gave me goosebumps and as I glanced at the clock it was 15:15. I love moments like that. I love my divine team.

So the message was received loud and clear. Take the steps. Don’t just sit on them. Haha.

What are you trying to manifest at the moment? Need help? Take time out from trying to achieve or waiting for things to land on your lap. Ask the questions about why. Ask what you can do to help yourself. Take the opportunities presented to you. Ask your divine team for help. We have free will so we’ll always get more help if we ask.