Okay – big title. I feel like I’m promising a lot. This blog didn’t have a title until after I’d written the content (quite usual for me). But unlike other titles, this title flowed – it just came right out without me even thinking about what I was typing.

Spiritual journals can inspire you every day. They bring joy and excitement through feeling connected the universe and seeing things happen that you never thought were possible. Oh yeah!

Let me break that down – the what and the how. The ‘why’ should be obvious, I think? Who wouldn’t want to feel more inspired and energised in life?

I must caveat this post with a statement. If you’re involving yourself in spiritual life for pure material gain then, well, that karma is on you. Please enter this with an open heart and ask for it in the context of your highest good. Even if you don’t know what that is – yet.

How does a spiritual journal inspire you and help you bring your dreams alive?
Firstly, by dedicating a journal to all things spiritual, you’re setting a clear intent – I’m listening to the universe and I want to interact. I’m ready and I’m giving this the space it deserves in my life.

You’ll be amazed by the things you don’t notice until you sit down and think about it altogether. Each day we may experience one or more parts of the puzzle. But if we only look at each piece of the puzzle at an individual level, we miss out on the beauty of the whole picture. We don’t know how the pieces fit together. Synchronicities, signs and messages, our own wishes – these are the pieces of the puzzle that once pieced together create a sense of wholeness you can’t get from looking at individual pieces.

Jack Kornfield said “those who are awake live in a state of constant amazement” and it’s true. When you realise you’re getting messages all of the time your life will change.

When you take time to record the pieces of the puzzle and look at them together, then see the big picture, the energy uplift you feel is unexplainable. You need to experience it for yourself.

Okay, so the puzzle analogy doesn’t quite work – you could have multiple puzzles on the go at any one time and be finding pieces to all of them – it can get complicated if I try and take it any further. Each puzzle could then be put together to make a mega puzzle! Okay, I’ll stop there.

In summary, when you take time to notice and record your pieces of the puzzle through keeping a spiritual journal, you’ll figure out how they fit together and the opportunities that will help you to manifest your dreams will come your way – this is an inspiring and energising state to live in. The more you ask for and notice the signs, the more exciting things will get. You will at some point rub your eyes and wonder if you’re dreaming.

What can you record in a spiritual journal?

This is going to depend on how involved you are with this aspect of your life to start with. If there are more things you do to engage with the universe then you’ll obviously have more things to record. If you have only just started to notice signs and synchronicities then just start there and layer in what you want to happen next – what will help you for your highest good?! So here are some ideas to help get you started

  • Wishes you put out to the universe
  • Synchronicities
  • Content of your dreams
  • Tarot or oracle cards you pull for a day, week or month
  • Interactions with your higher self or guides
  • Animal guides that appear
  • Thoughts, feelings and visions during meditation

When you write these things, they may not all make sense at that time. The magic comes when you sit back and look through past journal entries and see how those things make sense later. You may even want to use a different colour pen to add notes at a later date.

Do you keep a spiritual journal? Got something you’d add to the suggestions above? Let me know!

Love and light x

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