Should you stick to a particular lifestyle when you’re spiritual, a lightworker or whatever other terms you want to apply? I can’t seem to find information that agrees.  There are many different opinions and groups with differing on this.

When my awakening started to happen and I realised what was happening I had a bit of a freak out about my lifestyle. I researched extensively and that made me freak out even more!

I read blogs and information online, spoke with light-minded people, focussed meditation and did my own experimentation.

As an aside. I’m writing this in my garden and a blackbird just landed near me. He’s singing the most beautiful song which is making me feel this is a good topic to cover today.

Anyway. Lifestyle. Living a spiritual life and some conflicting views.

The information available online is extensive. Lots of blogs, videos and sites, some just trying to make money. What most of them have in common is that they share specific guidelines and a defined view. Mostly around living a healthy lifestyle. You should eat organic veg, avoid stimulants or depressants, be selective in who you spend time with, live as close to nature as possible, go to bed early etc. You might have seen similar content.

So not only are you going through energy changes, taking on big downloads of new information and trying to wrap your head around that but you also have to ditch the booze and eat like a rabbit? I was in a spin.

For anyone awakening, this type of experience can be daunting. If you don’t already live a lifestyle like that are you really a lightworker or spiritual at all? And if you are a lightworker, is that how you want to live? Ah ha! That’s it.

It’s not about how you should live. It’s about how you want to live.

Our job is to spread light and love. To raise consciousness and positive vibrations. How we do that is down to us. We are all unique and our paths will all be different.

Your lifestyle should support you in being a lightworker. Not rule or define you.

So let’s all give ourselves a break and some forgiveness. We’re here to love, learn and share.

If you need some specifics there are some core lifestyle elements recommended to support you that everyone seems to agree on that I keep coming back to.

Time alone
Lightworkers need time alone. Fact. Without your alone time, you can start to feel very unsettled. Your alone time allows you to:

  • feel and focus on our own energy without as much interference,
  • recharge and connect to source,
  • reflect,
  • receive guidance in a quiet environment,
  • just be.

Mindfulness of your body feelings
Being aware of your body, thoughts and feelings are important when working with light. It takes a while to become second nature – well, maybe forever. We need reminders of its importance. We receive guidance from how we feel and what we think – so we need to remember to check-in. Connecting that checking-in feeling to the moment is what can often give us context. So take time to feel. To be aware of your body and your mind in combination. Notice how you feel and be aware of signs and signals.

If you do have a vice in life. Whether you drink, smoke or whatever. Remember that you’re here to experience life but you do have important work to do. So don’t let your vice push you out of balance. But also don’t beat yourself up about it to the point where you can’t function. What’s the point in that?  A lesson? Yes maybe, but probably about balance.

Love yourself
Love yourself unconditionally. Each individually is powerful and beautiful. Remind yourself of that and do something to feel good every day. Treat yourself as you would someone you love. When you love yourself you can increase your power to bring a positive light to others without even knowing it.

I’m interested to hear from anyone on this topic or receive questions I can help you and others explore. Get in touch.

Love and light x

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