I’m so tired at the moment, I can hardly get out of bed in the morning’. Sound familiar? An increasing number of people have told me the same thing recently and people I don’t know are sharing a similar experience on social media etc.

The following blog is food for thought and does not mean you shouldn’t visit a medical professional if you continue to feel sick.

Why are so many people experiencing exhaustion at the moment – people who aren’t sick or are managing an illness effectively till now? It’s interesting – especially if you don’t believe in coincidence. What’s also interesting is that many of the same people who are experiencing physical fatigue are also feeling restless in themselves and feeling ‘a bit weird’. While feeling ‘a bit weird’, some people are starting to question things – big things, like the meaning of life. People are starting to open their mind to the unseen and some are having some ‘weird’ experiences to match their state of feeling ‘a bit weird’. Weird? Not at all. It’s exciting!

What could this all mean? Why are so many people tired and feeling ‘a bit weird’ in 2020? I’ve had a few thoughts having had similar experiences early on in my spiritual awakening. Wow – spiritual awakening? What? I thought we were just talking about feeling tired and ‘a bit weird’. Forget labels for now – just keep an open mind. You’ve nothing to lose.

So, why are so many people feeling so tired right now?

Covid 19 – an unavoidable factor in peoples’ lives this year. We’re being forced to slow down. Global lockdowns have provided us with space and fewer external distractions so we come to notice that we feel ‘a bit weird’. People can’t plan or go on holiday, many can’t attend a usual place of work, some can only leave for essential shopping, many can’t see friends or family in the usual way. A lot of what we ‘do’ has been put on hold.

We’re being gifted more self-centred moments on a global scale. I don’t say self-centred in an ‘only think about yourself and needs in a seflish kind of way’. Being self-centred can be a good thing! Centring on your self – feeling how you feel, listening to your intuition and really connecting with what’s important to you. Finding out who you really are and why you’re feeling ‘a bit weird’.

These self-centred moments help you to appreciate the smaller things in your life – the things right in front of you, the things that really matter. This will lead you to feelings of gratitude. You still have needs and desires, but now you’re starting to tip the balance. Stick more weight on that appreciation side of the scales! You’re shifting from living in a state of wanting to a state of having and being. Being more grateful and appreciating each moment helps you to raise your vibration (everything is energy after all – including your thoughts and emotions). Raising your vibration and having fewer external distractions allows you to hear the important questions and answers within yourself. It’s the start of a magical awakening. You start to notice a different part of yourself – an exciting, mysterious and very loving part of yourself.

But if people are discovering a new, exciting, magical and loving part of themselves, shouldn’t they be bouncing out of bed in the morning instead of feeling exhausted and like their limbs are made of lead? I questioned this a lot when I went through the beginning stages of the ‘awakening’ process (which is an on-going process).

Questioning and changing your internal programming – which is essentially what’s happening – going ‘up a notch’ takes a lot of energy. There are parts of you which are busy – so busy right now. You may not know this and you may feel drained of physical energy, but go with it. When I had long periods of feeling like this, I found it was teaching me a MASSIVE lesson. I was tangled up in work and meeting societal expectations – living more as my ego-self (because that’s what we think is normal). Being knocked sideways physically (several times in life) meant I eventually re-learnt how to live. I learnt how to listen to and follow a different part of myself – call it what you want, I don’t want to label it for this post so going with ‘a different part of myself’. When things were right, they followed. When things weren’t right, they felt like the hardest things in the world to do – even the little things. It was like this new part of me took hold of my body until I learnt to listen to it and follow it. Crazy right? I thought so too. But BOOM, every time I strayed from this new part of myself, the same thing would happen; I’d become sick or so tired I couldn’t get out of bed in the morning. Now, I’ve used the term ‘right’ above. I don’t like the term ‘right’ because everything is subjective. In this case, I’m using ‘right’ to refer to an activity that aligns with this new part of myself.

So could it be that this mass tiredness coupled with the space provided by Covid-19 lockdowns is a springboard people to awaken? We’ve become so blinded by religion, societal expectation and conditioning – we’ve been programmed and are running on autopilot. Could it be that we’re being given a chance to find a more harmonious part of ourselves and live a different type of life before we (as humanity) destroy the environment around us? If we carry on the way we are, we’ll just continue to increase the number of external distractions in our lives – the odds of having space and time for awakening would be against us. It’s an interesting thought.

Another thought on the tiredness is related to the different parts of ourselves – mind, body soul…. and then conscious and subconscious mind. There are different parts of your mind and soul still at work while you sleep – while your thinking mind is taking a break. Maybe some tiredness is due to other parts of our minds needing more time to work without the thinking mind. The more we learn to switch off the thinking mind during waking hours then maybe the less it will need to be switched off during loooong periods of sleep. I’ve found that the more I can use the thinking mind consciously, the less tired I’ve felt during the day and the less I’ve needed to sleep more than the recommended 6-8 hours. But more about that another time.

So to all of those exhausted, confused people right now. Welcome. You’re awesome and you don’t even know it yet. This is the start of something exciting. You’ll be able to redefine awesome if you stick with it. Question but don’t question. Open your mind and awesome things will start to happen.

Love and light x

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