Fear is disabling and can come from many places. Doubting your own intuition or your life journey, unexpected changes, energy shifts, an overload of negativity from different places or people. We can be sensitive to fear but it’s a barrier to sharing love and light energy. Not good.

I’ve been experiencing an increasing feeling of fear recently. I decide to sit and think about it for a while. Where was it coming from? Where did I feel it in my body? How was it clouding my lens on life? I came to a few conclusions but what I couldn’t stop noticing was the where I was feeling the tension in my body. My neck, the back of my head, shoulders, chest – I was so tense! I decided I needed to relax so I went to sit in the garden with the intention of listening to the birds.

As I looked at the plants and flowers starting to blossom I experienced a wave of calm. I realised that none of the plants around me were feeling any fear. They were totally fearless. Then a flower caught my eye and I found myself doing a new exercise. It was great for clearing or at least easing my own feelings of fear so I thought I’d share it! I’ve seen similar written elsewhere so I’m not claiming this is original – but I don’t know how to credit as I’ve found it on at least five other sites. Whatever – it’s a useful exercise for releasing fear.

Exercise for clearing fear

Sit somewhere you can see a flower, tree or other plant with its roots firmly in the ground.

Make sure you’re breathing right, from the bottom of your stomach. Take a few deep breaths and focus on each part of your body. Feel where you’re holding your fear, where you feel tense.

Now focus on the plant. Imagine how it feels to be the plant. To be fearless.

Feel your toes and ankles in the cool ground.

Imagine drawing up moisture from the earth to run all through you. Fresh, clean groundwater. And soaking up the light energy from the sky. Imagine water and light soothing your body but especially the areas where you’re holding your fear and tension.

If you’ve managed to pinpoint what is actually causing you fear then imagine it leaving your mouth as you breathe out. Imagine your fear(s) as words or images in cloudy bubbles that float up into the sky before popping and being dispersed by the light energy all around you. As the bubble pops, continue to feel the clear water running through you from the ground and the light energy from the sky.

Notice your body relaxing, feeling lighter and giving your energy room to grow and shine as your fear leaves you. Feel yourself getting lighter and lighter but still feeling grounded, connected and calm.

You can continue to do this for as long as you want. If I didn’t have work to do I’d have stayed there for hours!

As I ended the exercise I thanked the plants around me for the reminder that you feel so much lighter when don’t feel fear – and that earth and light are here to support us.

I think this might be my new favourite exercise.

Let me know if you try the above and how you get on, or if you have a favourite exercise.

Love and light x

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