Is a Tarot reading for real? What’s the point? Well – there is a point but maybe not the one many people have come to associate with it. Does a Tarot reading tell you your predetermined destiny? No. However, a Tarot reading does hold a huge power and potential for you to improve your life.

Is a Tarot reading accurate?

Personally, I love working with Tarot and other forms of cards – oracle cards, angel cards, crystal cards, animal cards. I have a stack of decks that I use regularly.

I believe that each and every moment of our lives we are creating the next moments in our lives. I don’t believe we have a set path in life. Some would agree and some would disagree – you make your own mind up. As we create the next moments in our lives we use a combination of our conscious and subconscious (and help from the universe). 

For me, the traditional Tarot is like a temperature test – it’s what’s going to happen on the current path with current thinking, actions, wishes and dreams. So if you have a reading then change nothing in your thinking or approach to life, coupled with the belief that the cards are correct, then the reading will come to be. If you have a reading and you don’t like the outcome then you have the choice to work with your subconscious and the universe to develop an alternative outcome. 

Tarot tells us where we’re headed right that second, and often lessons we may need to be aware of on that path. But I believe it is all subject to change and we are in control of that.

Other cards can be used to ask a specific question or get guidance but when it comes to readings – it’s all subject to change. 

How is the Tarot reading actually useful if everything is subject to change?

People often ask for a reading when they are feeling lost. Then they take that reading as a given and can start to panic! That’s a shame because a Tarot reading can actually help to highlight where they are lost and therefore influence change. It’s the perfect opportunity to assess where you’re heading and see where you want to make a change in your life.

Working with a spiritual coach who reads Tarot can help you to assess what your beliefs are about yourself and life. Doing this assessment and knowing where those beliefs are taking you gives you the chance to change all of that. You get to chose a path in your life.

The power is in your mind – your subconscious mind. But to get to your subconscious you have to go through your conscious. To go through your conscious, you need to decide that you’re going to have that influence and take the time to do so. 

If you decide to access the power of your subconscious, influence your own beliefs and connect with the universe then the world really is up for grabs. But it first comes from conscious choice – your choice.

Love and light x