Firstly – I feel like I’m a spiritual person, but I am not wealthy. Just to get that straight! I’m not sat here with millions in the bank and telling you it’s okay to have and want money.

The reason for this blog post is my own and others’ ongoing internal ‘moral’ battle of wanting money but still wanting to live a spiritual life.

Some spiritual people I respect say ‘hey – we need to live out lives so let’s get as much wealth as possible. Let’s have great lives and share with others’.

Other spiritual people I know say ‘material gain is bad for the soul. We should refrain from wanting wealth and focus on other aspects of life. Our basic needs will be taken care of’.

So where does that leave me? Confused. Like loads of other people too.

I was out walking today and chain of thoughts gave me some euphoric clarity on ‘is wanting money okay if you want to live a spiritual life?’. I hope you manage to follow….

Firstly thoughts were on what I ultimately want to do with my life. It takes money – quite a lot of money. Is it bad that I want to live a spiritual life but I keep thinking about needing and wanting more money? When that thought had stressed me out enough for one day, my mind moved on.

Thoughts were now on a more calming topic. The magic and wonder of Reiki. I was thinking about the flow of energy in the universe, how wonderful the flow of energy feels as it passes through you. And how great it is that when you’re working with someone the Reiki energy passes through you to them but you also benefit from the healing energy. Then it hit me. For me, money will be mine and that is okay. Why? Because my desire for money isn’t for selfish reasons. I want money to fulfil a dream that will help bring peace to other people and help them with their spiritual development. So the money would be kind of flowing through me in a way (this all made sense in my head at the time).  

 Because my dreams require money to actually happen, if I channel that money, like channelling Reiki energy, I can also benefit too. And that’s okay. So yeah, it is okay to want money but also be spiritual.

So what did I realise that’s bigger than that?

The views I hear from people about money and spirituality usually align with their own experiences and beliefs. So don’t listen to what you read on the internet, or hear people say about money and spirituality – look inside and ask yourself what it means to you. How does money fit in your life? If it aligns – then give up feeling guilty about it! Life is a playground and sometimes you need money to play!


Love and light x


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