Admittedly there such things as coincidences, they can happen. Knowing this can lead to doubts in our universal guidance. How do you know when you’re getting support? Is it a sign?

The cool thing is that when you embrace the coincidences and signs, the increase in number and start to become clearer to you.

A while back I was having some doubts about my connection with guides….deeper than that. I was doubting the whole existence of energy, spirit, the whole thing. What if all we are is a lump of atoms and molecules? What if all we’re doing is surviving a material world until we die? I asked in my mind…..’PLEASE. Help me know for sure if there’s anything more. I need a sign at times like these! What’s actually real? I don’t know anymore!’

This came at a scary time. I’d had enough of the corporate world and decided to leave a well-paid job to follow my nagging gut feelings. But had I done the right thing?

The next day I started reading online (following up on the doubts about what I knew/felt/experienced). I was searching ‘how do you connect with your spirit guides’ and similar. Results included old photos appearing or being given to you, coins or feathers, physical signs such as tingles. If you’re reading this you’ve possibly searched for similar. Things I’d already experienced but I was now doubting – again.

Then over the next few weeks, I got some pretty awesome reassurances.

My dad came over with some old pictures he found. I already had a picture of one of my grandparents but the two he gave me completed the set of the three who have passed. This was a nice feeling and I slipped them in my journal but didn’t think anything else of it.

I obviously hadn’t got the message.

Over the next few days I kept finding sets of three 20p coins. On worktops, in my pocket, on my desk. When I picked three of the coins up I had a flash of an image in my mind of slipping the three pictures in my journal. As I acknowledged the thought, I felt a wave of warmth run down my body. What a lovely feeling. As that happened I had a flash of the question I’d asked in my mind. About needing a sign. I was being given a sign.

Later that week I picked up a book. Out of the book fell the three pictures of my grandparents that I’d placed in my journal (not in the book). What was the book? The Celestine Prophecy. Ha. Brilliant.

I was struggling to get hold of fresh fish. The next morning – a chap knocked on the front door offering a sea to door fish delivery service!

I really craved a specific soap (fig and grape) which you usually have to order online but they were selling it at my local market.

I’d think of people and they’d call. I’d call people and they’d say ‘I was just thinking about you’.

It went electric and intense. There are so many examples I could share.

So were these just coincidences? Was I just looking harder for signs? No. I was seeking truth! And this was just the start. I continued to ask questions and support continued to appear.

I asked ‘who can help me develop spirituality?’ and people presented themselves over and over and over again. From people I already knew through to complete strangers on a plane, in a sauna and numerous other places. Just at the right times. With the right piece of information to answer my questions. It felt surreal. Like I was watching a movie.

If you’re having doubts then don’t forget to ask your guides and the universe for help! We have free will and so we need to remember to ask for help – it won’t always just come (although sometimes it can).

What do you need from your guides? Ask them. And don’t forget to say thanks!

Give it a go!

Love and light x

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