The previous post about how soul, life and your higher self connect to each other collided with a moment of clarity in meditation – I just love a moment of clarity! Thank you universe! There is so much online about high self I thought a post was needed to make it super simple.

The universe is encouraging me to share this information right now but not sure who it’s for yet…. Maybe you? Let me know if it is!

Terms and phrases commonly associated with higher self include

  • Part of you
  • Unconditional love
  • Non-judgemental
  • Inner angel
  • All knowing and divine
  • Always positive, never negative
  • Helps encourage synchronicity

Part of you/inner angel/all knowing and divine
Your higher self is part of you – an actual part of you – existing where there is no time or space. It’s the highest aspect of you that can be contained (ish) in your physical body.

Your higher self has access to information about all of your lifetimes (although right now it’s trying to help you navigate this one). The all-knowing part gets really cool. Your higher self can help you answer questions – yup, actual questions. You can gain insight that makes you go ‘wow, where did that just come from?’ – it’s properly magical! If you  think the internet is great then wait till you connect with your higher self!

Unconditional love/non-judgemental/always positive/helps encourage synchronicity
Your higher self has no judgement, it loves unconditionally (a state we’d all be in if there was no ego). As a mentor available to you, your higher self wants to encourage your growth and happiness. Your higher self will try to help you along the way but won’t interfere – they may help you with synchronicity, send you messages and be there to answer questions, but it’s still up to you to walk in your physical body and live a life.

What does it feel like to connect with your higher self
Bliss and light. You feel bigger than your body. You feel like you can do anything. You radiate positivity and feel connected to everything around you. You love everything for what it is. Optimism feels like your natural state – it becomes easy to acknowledge a negative feeling and simply learn from it. You are full of energy and you approach everything with an open heart and understanding. You feel awesome.

Ready to feel awesome?

Love and light x

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