It’s a sad and scary time. Covid-19 is a topic you can’t escape. Whether it’s in the news, on social media, in conversation, in experiencing the restrictions on many daily lives. Many people are full of fear, grief and anxiety right now. Send out some love if you haven’t already. Many people have lost loved ones and that’s always heart-breaking. Love and light to all right now.

Humanity is facing an extra test right now – on top of wars, hunger, disproportionate wealth, politics and greed, other diseases. What’s different right now though is the mass media coverage and adaptations we’re having to make on personal and economic levels. Mass coverage, mass impact. The scale of the impact is massive.

The impact has got me thinking…. And writing again. I’d daft written lots of blogs but something was stopping me posting. I think I know why now. Those posts are supposed to follow this one and it all makes way more sense now!

Anyway…back on topic. The impact of Covid-19.

Is this mass impact we’re experiencing, mother earth’s way of forcing us to stop. To stop what? Damaging the earth, damaging ourselves through intense living, to stop us ignoring what’s right there – loved ones, our selves, our guides and the universe. We’ve become so overwhelmed with sensory, cerebral and physical activities that we fill our time and often forget to be. We wake up, we do stuff, we go to bed (with a longer to-do list than when we woke up, again). Some people have never just ‘been’ – they don’t get a chance. This type of living has an impact on the overall frequency of our planet, which impacts far beyond Earth.

Earth has been out of balance for a while – and increasingly so. But in parallel to that, new lightworker souls have been slowly awakening. The number of awakenings has been accelerating over the past few years and this big ‘stop’ feels like it could be a trigger a mass awakening.

How many people are about to get the shock, and most exciting experience, of their lives so far? For some it may come as a dark night of the soul type experience – they’ll need time to rest, heal, incorporate new parts of their soul, get comfortable with new experiences and explore what’s happening to them. Others may have time to pick up where they’ve left off in the past by taking time to meditate and reconnect.

Even if many people don’t awaken, we’re still giving the Earth a rest. There are also people supporting those in their communities and beyond – showing love and compassion and sending positive energy rippling out to try and balance out the negativity.

How are you feeling right now? What are you noticing in those around you? I’d love to hear from you so drop me a note in the comments box.

Love and light – and stay safe x

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