As some of you may know, in the middle of 2019 I made some pretty big life changes. As part of these life changes, I decided to do a bit of an experiment – to live my life purely by following my intuition. Quite a leap from holding down a global corporate role to following my intuition, but boy has it taught me some amazing lessons! Even though life still has its challenges (for those who know me, you’ll know what an understatement that is), I’m the happiest I’ve EVER been. I’ve experienced daily insight from the universe, my higher self and guides, for which I am eternally grateful. One big impact my new insight has had is that I’ve experienced a shift towards manifesting WAY more of what I want in my life. So here they are some snips from my life experiment learning:

As for experience over specific outcomes

The soul is here to experience life and the universe wants what we want. So don’t ask for things – ask for experiences! I’m not saying you can’t ask for material things, or that it’s wrong to want them, but I experience manifestation happening more readily when I frame a request to the universe around experience. Let me give you an example:

A request to the universe before the new insight: I want my business to be successful. 

But what does that really mean?!?!? Let’s take this request and explore what’s limiting and unhelpful about it.

Limiting factor one: what is success? How is that defined? It’s too subjective.

Limiting factor two: the request is missing experience information. Why do I want what I’m asking for? What am I asking to feel and experience?

Let’s dig deeper.

I was defining success as:

  • Financial – being able to pay my bills and have money left to help others and have my own limitless life experiences
  • Fulfilment – being able to help business owners feel excited about their business and marketing direction (my day job is a marketing consultant)
  • Having lots of customers – felt, at the time, like a part of success. 

Are you starting to see how my initial request was a bit of a crappy one – too vague, subjective and lacking in desires for the experiences I really wanted.

What do I want to experience???

  • I want to experience and feel financial freedom so I can include myself in life experiences that cost money such as socialising with friends, travelling to and exploring new places, free my mind up from money worries, surprising friends and family with experiences that cost money. 
  • I want to experience the feeling of happiness because what I do (to make money) has a positive impact on other people, their lives, their families and more – by helping people feel excited about their business heading in a direction that they want it to.
  • When I started to think about this – there were more things I found that I wanted….
  • I want to experience working with business owners that are open to spiritual conversations so I can help bring more magic to their lives and help them raise their vibration.
  • I want to experience having a balance of doing and being in my work (as well as the rest of my life).
  • I want to experience running a team that will help me to deliver the day-to-day work within my businesses but also help me to continue to explore my own spirituality – as a group, we’ll support and love each other
  • I want to experience creating a loving and happy work environment for everyone I work with

So my one initial request of wanting my businesses to be successful actually turned out to several pages in my journal about the experiences I want in my life (only a snip of the requests included above). 

Now – can I experience the above only through my business being a success? Nope! And life has proved that. There are so many possibilities of outcomes – many of which won’t even be within our thinking. Some of the above have come from my business but others have come from other opportunities that came from left-field.

By defining an outcome, you’re limiting your opportunities. If you can focus on the desired feeling and experience then you’re opening up the possibilities that the universe will offer you. 

Ask yourself why you really want something – what’s the feeling and emotion behind it? What do you want to experience?

Why do you really want something? We could quickly tell someone the things we want in life but when asking myself (less so now) and others about why they really want something, the conversation often stalls. Each and any thing you want in life comes down to an experience, often involving an emotion, feeling or sensation. Test that now. Pick something you want in life and try to trace it back to an emotion, feeling or sensation that you want to experience – and if you can’t boil it down to that then you’re not digging deep enough!

When you discover the emotion, feeling or sensation you desire then it’s easier to see where that desire comes from – curiosity and wanting life experience, or ego. Bin off the ego requests.

Don’t over-focus on what you want – request what you want in the right way then let it go, be present in each moment and have faith

There’s quite a bit to unpack in that sub-title haha…. but actually, it’s pretty simple. If you have the underlying feeling of faith then that adds a lot to your request to the universe. If you spend your days overly focused on your request then you’re living in the future – not the now. In relation to manifesting what you want in life, being present in each moment helps you in several ways:

You free up thought space to hear your own intuition

  • Removes thoughts of limiting beliefs – the more you remove the thoughts, the quieter the feelings will be (although this is a whole other post to be written)
  • You increase your gratitude and feelings of joy – now who wouldn’t want to do that? But also, this helps raise your vibration and attract what you want to experience
  • You’re more likely to spot and follow opportunities presented to you by the universe – backed up by intuition telling you to go for it

Simple! Be present with faith – DON’T fixate on what you want. What you want, if it resonates with who you really are, will always be in your heart anyways!

Hopefully that’s enough for you to get playing with! Let me know how it goes.

Love and light to you xxx