While doing my day job this week I’ve had to revisit some techniques for improving productivity to create some development/training material. While filling in some gaps and going down the rabbit hole that is the internet, I saw article after article about ‘how to start your day the right way’. It left me thinking two things:

  • We spend more time thinking about how to spend the day than start the day – what a missed opportunity!
  • If there are thousands of tips on starting your day right for optimal productivity – we should just expand those tips to improve other areas of our lives too.

When I actually did a search on ‘how to start your day right’ articles tended to fall into one of two categories. They were either written with specifics in mind, like productivity, OR some of the more spiritual articles didn’t contain enough of a blend with science for my own satisfaction. Some of the spiritual ones also seemed pretty involved and would take more time than most people have. So I decided to pick three things that appeared most in both types of article and provide a summary.

Stay unplugged for the first hour
Brain performance expert Jim Kwik (great name) was quoted in numerous articles recommending that we shouldn’t reach for our electronic devices during the first hour of our day. Why? Because our brain is so highly suggestible at this time that it becomes addicted to the small release of dopamine – so we spend the day distracted and wanting to reach for our devices to get that next quick and easy hit of dopamine. Articles then went on to say what you could do with that hour to boost your productivity – make lists, do some mind setting etc.

When thinking about how I could mindset myself and make the most of that first hour of suggestibility, this is what I came up with. All things I can either do in bed or in the bedroom to minimise distractions and really keep the focus on myself.

  • Self Reiki, yoga or meditation – you can even stay in bed for this one
  • Reflect on dreams
  • Focus on yourself – what do you need to do to look after yourself today?

Take a shower – especially a cold one
Showers, particularly cold ones, Increases the flow of blood which help with circulation, anxiety, worry and a whole host of other things. It helps activate the central nervous system as well as adrenal and lymphatic glands which will help you operate well throughout your day. And if your a man – it can help give you a testosterone boost! All of these things are great, but if it’s going to have that impact anyway then why not also get more from your morning shower?

Ahhhh. The classic water/light waterfall thing as I affectionately refer to it. It makes me feel a wave of goodness just thinking about it. You might see the classic water/light waterfall thing more commonly referred to as the light shower or cleansing shower. Whatever it’s called, you let the water wash over you and visualise cleansing white light coming out of the showerhead with the water. Visualise and feel both the water and light washing away any negativity, bad feelings, ailments – see them washing away and leaving you lighter, brighter and cleaner. Ready to start the day – almost.

Proven to reduce stress and help educate, reading was another suggestion that came up time and time again in ‘how to start your day’ articles. So keeping in mind the suggestibility of our brain mentioned near the start of this post, what you read also matters. But you don’t want to waste that valuable morning time picking a book. The three tips I’d add to the reading suggestion are

  • Keep in mind the suggestible brain
  • Pick what you’re going to read before you go to bed – have it ready
  • If what you want to read is online, then why not print it off if you can? This will help you stay unplugged – don’t use reading being good for you as an excuse to reach for your phone or tablet! Cheeky.

There were so many other suggestions to pick but hopefully that’s food for thought. How do you start you day? How do you want to start your day? It’s not realistic to think we’ll all transform our morning routine (life can get in the way) but if we’re mindful of how the start can impact our day then we’re more likely to start it in a better way when we can.

If you’ve got some suggestions on great ways to start you day then share them using the contact form below.

Love and light x

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