How do you know if you’re a lightworker?

Chances are you already know but you’re still looking for some confirmation. This post might even be one of many blogs you read. There’s a lot online about what a lightworker is. So instead of covering what a lightworker is, I’m going to cover some common thoughts, feelings and experiences shared by lightworkers. Do you relate?

People who are not lightworkers may also related to some of the following but most lightworkers I know experience pretty much ALL of these.

Thoughts, feelings and experiences of lightworkers

Knowing there’s more to life than physical form
As great as science is, you know deep down it doesn’t quite cover everything. There is something powerful and unexplained beyond what we can see and touch. Whether you’re aware of your guides and angels or not, you feel there is something helping you along the way. You are also aware of energy. Different people and places make you experience different feelings and emotions.

People are dicks. Mostly.
You often wonder why other people can’t just be decent human beings. You simply cannot understand why people are not just nice to each other as standard practice. It makes you deeply sad and sometimes pretty angry or depressed. You think it’s just unnecessary to be mean or meaningfully damage the environment around you. Even if you’re at a point of acceptance that other people are the way the are, you still wish deep down they we’re such dicks.

Nature and the universe are amazing
You’re in awe of the wonders of creation. Plants, animals, landscapes and the sky. You find it so wonderful and spend hours admiring it. You feel deeply connected to nature and energised when immersed in it. You love to walk bare foot, do your gardening without gloves, nurture plants and animals (as well as the people) around you. You can see both the physical and energetic construction of everything around you.

Receiving guidance
Visions, dreams, higher voices, signs. A gut feeling. There are lots of ways to receive guidance. Lightworkers have powerful teams behind them so receive a lot of guidance. The more you ask for it and accept it the more it will come. Lightworkers follow intuition as second nature and often assume the rest of the world is doing the same. Not so. The gift of intuition and the awareness to follow it does not come naturally to everyone.

Finding time and routine a bit weird
Some lightworkers are punctual – others not so much. But what they all have in common, in the experience, is finding time a really weird concept. Why do we set clocks and restrict ourselves with time? Why do we have to work 9-5? Why do we work shifts or 5-day weeks? Why can’t we follow our own energy patterns and work more in tune with the earth? Society is weird.

People won’t leave you alone
Your light is beautiful. The only downside to that is people are drawn to you – even when you don’t want them to be. People feel light in your company and benefit from your energy so not only will they be drawn to you, they’ll want to come back for more. An issue when you seek solitude!

You find people and history fascinating
You have an interest in social and many other types if history. What wisdom from ancient philosophy has been lost? How did people live and experience life? Some areas of history might interest you more than others and even feel strangely familiar to you.

Drive to help
You have an overwhelming urge to help people, animals and nature. You want to help everything grow and flourish. You’ll put your own needs before others and feel a huge sense of guilt when you don’t help someone or neglect the environment.

You are sensitive in many ways. From heightened senses e.g. smell and hearing through to an extreme sense of empathy. You pick up on emotions from people and places – good and bad.

You hide your pain from the world
You have some dark moments including depression and anxiety, especially when awakening or if overexposed to negative people or places. Whatever your challenges you will try to hide them from others. Your sense to help and heal others means you don’t want to burden them with what you see as negative energy. This is a bit crazy though lightworkers! You spend your life loving so why not accept a little back?

Any of the above sound familar? Anything else you’d add to the list?