Feel like you’ve had a breakdown? Know someone who has? I’m personally seeing more and more people experiencing anxiety and depression to the point of having breakdowns and there’s a clear pattern emerging.
Tolle, in his The Power of Now book, talks about his enlightenment journey – which started with what you might call a breakdown. He says I said to himself “I cannot live with myself any longer…..am I one or two? If I cannot live with myself, there must be two of me: the ‘I’ and the ‘self’ that the ‘I’ cannot live with…… only one of them is real.”
It’s this that I want to expand on in my own way but I also highly recommend you read the book mentioned above.
This increasing number of people I’ve been speaking with are experiencing friction between how they are being/living and this ‘I’. This ‘I’ is speaking out to them louder and louder – but for some, it just feels like a deep feeling of anxiety and depression. I was even sending someone healing the other day and this conflict came up again. It’s everywhere!
What has this friction with ‘I’, anxiety and depression got to do with being a lightworker?
The ‘I’ is you living as your soul. If you’re living in conflict with that then you experience this friction, anxiety and depression. You aren’t living as your true self. Your true self is pure love and peace. But people get swept up in life, society, pressures from work, ego traps and much more – and it’s these people who are experiencing these anxiety and depression breakdowns.
Common behaviours (for US folks – UK spelling here) include things like selfishness, manipulation or control of others and dishonesty. These behaviours often result in and from emotions such as anger, fear, low self-worth, greed, shame or jealousy.
The ‘I’, your soul, doesn’t connect, align or resonate with these behaviours or emotions – especially if you’re a Lightworker. These types of behaviours and emotions create internal conflict – whether you directly notice it or not. And as I said, the way this conflict is manifesting for many people is causing people to experience anxiety and depression. Many people will try to ignore this conflict and try to solve it with external and false fulfilment – often including the damaging behaviours and putting themselves into a downward spiral.
Why people behave like this comes from a number of conscious or subconscious motivations – but we have a choice in every moment.
We have the choice to behave as we wish – to live as our true self. When I see people embrace each moment and act with love then they are always happy, always at peace.
This can be a big change for some – a change in mindset, but living as your true self is the most liberating experience you can ever have.
Being aware of self – thought, emotions and resulting behaviours is the key to getting started with this. Along with then living in each moment but freeing yourself of the unuseful thoughts, emotions and behaviours.
The good news is that you don’t need drugs or expensive tools – you just need your own awareness.
You experienced yourself as your soul before you entered your current physical life – you just need to remember what you knew before. And you can do that if you choose.
Hopefully the above gives you hope and excitement. I wish you all the love and light in the universe.
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Other reasons Lightworkers experience anxiety and depression
An inspired action experiment – living more intuitively part one
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