You don’t have a soul
You are a soul
You have a body
– CS Lewis
Resonate with lightworkers (and others) out there?
Sadly, most people are unaware of their soul – they are driven by their body and a build-up of automatic programming.
So what’s this got to do with lightwork?
Part of the role of a lightwork is to help people become conscious of their soul. Once you start living as a soul who has a body a few pretty cool things happen:
- You’re physically and emotionally more resilient
- You see other people differently and can forgive their behaviour as you know it results from fear or other negative emotions they feel – you can see it in their soul
- You can recognise, analyse and better understand your feelings instead of just expressing them as society would usually expect
- You can manage your energy better – simply because you’re fully aware of it
- It’s easier to meditate, journey and connect with guides, power animals and other souls
- Your life purpose becomes clearer
- You simply feel freer!
For some this happens gradually and for some it’s a massive life experience.
Lightworkers can help everyone and anyone they meet by interacting with the soul, not the body. We can coach others to connect with their soul, find soul purpose, feel empowered in their lives! How? By sharing experience and learnings. Simple!
Are you a body with a soul or a soul with a body?
Love and light x
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