Do we have a set life path? How much of our life can we choose and what help can we get from the universe?

These are questions I’ve been almost disabled with recently. Flow living has been amazing and shown me some magically things, but I’d reached a point where I had doubt and was in a head spin – was I being proactive enough in life? Is there a point to making plans if we already have a set path? Should we live in the moment ALL of the time or have a vision for the future? I was so swamped with questions to explore I could barely think straight so I needed to set aside time to break this down.

I decided to pick one question and focus on that during meditation and put the intention out there that I want an answer. I decided to pick ‘How much of our life path do we choose vs a predetermined plan’? There’s so much conflicting information on the internet so the best place to go to find answers is within (said many an amazing person). You can read things that resonate but it’s a hard thing to trust unless you feel it within yourself. I held that question as my intention and the flow led me to some answers. Answers came through thoughts and feelings but also through signposted information outside of mediation (see example at the end).

The following is what I felt when focusing on my question or after having an experience during this time. All of it can either be supported up or contradicted by other sources, so I fully encourage you to explore this for yourself and see what you find.


  1. Our ‘path’ simply means our life. There is no right or wrong path. All that your souls seek is enlightenment and to raise your vibration through living in a natural state of love and peace. The ‘path’ doesn’t mean one person was set out to be a doctor and one was set out to be a builder. YOU choose what you ‘do’. Life is a playground and classroom all at the same time. Spiritual development is the lesson and the physical life as you live it is the playground.
  2. Anything that brings love, learning and peace will align with your soul. If you put it out there, then the universe will help you get there – you don’t need to stress so much about the ‘how’s. Just follow your intuition and signs or opportunities presented to you. But you can’t just sit back and wait for it to happen for you. You have to take action! The good news is that action won’t feel like stressful effort – it will flow effortlessly.
  3. All things are possible – so you can pick whatever you want to be in life. If something you’re doing doesn’t sit right with you, it’s probably because it doesn’t align with your soul – not because it’s not the ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ path. There are so many possibilities of ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ paths — there is no one right or one wrong path. Right paths just mean they align with our soul – so there are many possibilities. We define what we want that to look like.
  4. Plans vs going with the flow. YOU set the plan and the universe helps you flow towards your goals and dreams – as long as they align with your soul.
  5. Action vs non-action. Setting time aside to think and have conversations with the universe isn’t ‘doing nothing’. Setting time aside to let your thoughts and feelings flow, thinking about your dreams etc is KEY to living a fulfilling life. You can add an extraordinary feeling of peace to your life by practising when to intuitively take action and when not to. You can force something to be, or you can choose to nurture something in a more peaceful and natural way. This then goes back to the plan vs flow.
  6. The universe is your team and you lead the way – set those goals! If you strive to live a life of love and peace then your team will back you all the way. What do you need from them? Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need to do your job/live your life/reach your goals/fulfil your dreams, but also make sure you listen if they’re trying to give their input!
  7. You need to be more like your child self. We put too many barriers in the way by overusing our thinking mind. Children live in the moment, they go with the flow, they live to be happy, they have big dreams, they sing and dance just because it’s fun, they do things when they have the energy and rest when they are tired, they have a curious mind and want to learn, they believe that anything is possible. Be more like your child self.

In conclusion. My current feeling is that we have a path – that’s the path of love and light, that’s it! Everything in between is up to us. Anything’s possible. Dream big and make plans.

How did the universe help me understand this? Well – that could take many blogs to explain but here’s just one highlight for you:

Writing: I was pondering and wrote ‘MISSING’ in my diary when I was missing a piece of information about universal plan vs our own plans/right paths etc, flow vs planned action and proactively. On a dog walk later that day I saw a poster saying ‘MISSING – NIGHTINGALE’. I had a fuzzy feeling but didn’t know what to do about it. The next day I was reading a book and it quoted a chap called Earl Nightingale. I had that fuzzy feeling again. The content was about taking action, so I Googled Nightingale quotes and my mind was blown. I’d been asking the above questions and his quotes included,

“People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going”

“The mind moves in the direction of our current dominant thought”

“Learn to enjoy every minute of your life”

Strange and marvellous things will happen with constant regularity as you alter your life and life in harmony with the laws of the universe”

I then watched the video ‘The strangest secret’.  Take or leave the bits that resonate and see what you think.

I have so much more to share now my overthinking block has been cleared.

What are your thoughts on the above? Let me know.

Love and light

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