Asking for help from guides and angels can sometimes be frustrating. Aren’t they getting my messages for help and guidance?

Feeling uninspired about life in general I was looking through a random selection of feel good inspirational quotes. I was only half paying attention as I was also thinking about my next move in life. Something that has been bothering me along with the lack of response when asking for more spiritual guidance and wanting things to transform quickly – and they weren’t.

I was wondering if asking for a sign that I should keep waiting for the next sign was a daft idea or not, then a quote jumped out of the page at me. The quote simply said…have patience. It actually made me laugh out loud. This got me thinking about different layers of support. It reminded me of trying to get hold of friends or family. Stay with me on this one.

I received guidance this past week while I was trying to select a colour combination for something. While I was in the shops a yellow, pink and green bunch of flowers caught my eye. Okay, that’s a pretty common colour combination for flowers but they really stood out to me that day. They were like ‘hey, check me out’! Then a few days later I was walking in a forest and I found some yellow feathers. Bright yellow feathers! I stopped and picked them up as they were so unusual. When I took a photo of them I realised how the yellow of the feathers, the pink of my nail varnish and the green backdrop of the trees reminded me of the bunch of flowers I’d seen. Then on the same day I saw two kids riding across some grass on bikes. One wearing a pink top and the other wearing a yellow top. The same shades of yellow, pink and green kept appearing together. I guess that’s my colour combination conundrum sorted!

As well as the day to day to day guidance like the colours, sometimes other things will happen and you’ll be like ‘OMG. I totally forgot about that’. An OMG moment for me last year caught me off guard and made me laugh. I was by a river with a friend watching some dragonflies and said it would be so cool if one came and landed on us so we could see it close up. Then on my way home from work a few weeks later one crash landed through my car window and landed on my lap! I got my opportunity to see it REALLY close up! It kinda freaked me out and felt like a reminder to be careful what I wish for! Hahaha.

So what’s that got do to with contacting friends and family? Well, it could be seen a little like this.

Day to day support is like a daily catch up and knowing your friends have your back and usually have something to say – a quick text message.

OMG moments are like someone calling you back when you forgot you even called them.

When you ask about the big stuff and get no response…you keep reaching voicemail. Your friends are sorting out whatever you’re calling about and they will get back to you – when the time is right.

Keeping this analogy in mind gives me a kind of peace about the pace of some aspects of life. It can be so frustrating when things don’t feel like they’re happening. Like you can’t get through. But leave a voicemail and know that your message will be picked up! They’ll call you back eventually.

Love and light x