Go with the flow, opportunities will come out of thin air? Crazy right? I do question my sanity – each and every day! But now I’m living it and it’s actually happening. It feels surreal but also completely natural at the same time.

In the previous blog, I explained that in November I started an intuitive  – living in a state of flow. In this blog I’ll share the three areas that stood out to me as key to intuitive living: knowing where to spend your time, following opportunities and taking specific actions.

It’s a long one today and I did think about splitting it but I feel like this info should live together.

Knowing where to spend your time and energy
I shared an example in the previous blog about following your energy to inform what you spend time on. We spend a lot of time and effort planning what we need to do and when we need to do it. It’s common to create schedules to work to and have ‘to-do’ lists with deadlines. Okay – there are some deadline that we need to meet for work and life admin and I’m not overlooking that. But, we also create a lot of false deadlines for ourselves. We’re programmed to plan. But have we gone too far? For sure.

Throughout this experiment, I’ve been worried about not being proactive enough in life – getting out there and creating opportunities (my old mindset). I needed to have a leap of faith and let that go for the experiment.

The way I approached planning for this experiment was to have a running ‘to-do’ list with specific deadlines but ONLY WHERE THEY ARE RIGID E.G. HITTING A CUSTOMER DEADLINE. All those other deadlines we give ourselves….. gone! It felt weird and alien – pretty uncomfortable actually. But I wanted to see where this experiment led me so I kept the faith and asked for some universal help in this feeling okay.

So – I had my running ‘to-do’ list with minimal deadlines. What next? Each day I would wake up and a let the day take me with the flow – no specific full plan. Sometimes I would simply follow the energy – what did I feel energised to do? To start with I used to refer to the running list but now I only look at the list at the end of the day and tick anything off that happened, add to it and review the hard deadlines. Some days I wouldn’t do anything from the list, other days things from the list just flowed and I ticked off a lot of items. I’m using my language carefully as ticking something off the list is not the same as achieving lots more – something else I learnt and has warmed by heart.


One day I woke up with very little energy for ‘work’ work so I did some automatic writing and managed to untangle some thoughts I had about this experiment. I was fearful that I was going with the flow because it felt nice and not because it would get me anywhere in life. I spent time in meditation with my questions and feelings and the answers flowed. I redefined what ‘getting somewhere’ actually meant to me and what ‘achievement’ meant as well as how I wanted to define it.  I discovered that by living in a state of flow we are creating opportunities – but not as we would typically define them e.g. going out there and taking specific planned action. The actions we come across in the flow will help those opportunities present themselves – or the actions needed to get to the opportunity. We worry about the ‘how’ (said by many other people) and we just need to go with the flow. Old me would feel guilty for spending so much time following and exploring thought. But now it’s propelling me in the right life direction. So bye-bye old me!

Another day I again woke up with no energy for ‘work’ work. Old me would feel guilty about that but the hard deadline was a way off yet so I followed what I felt like doing. I went to the garden and filled the bird feeders, meditated, did some cleaning and sat at the piano… it’s not perfect but this was the result (a song I wrote inspired by the birds…. Keep in mind this is the first and only song I’ve written so far).

Another day, I woke up full of ‘work’ work energy and managed to take a project from concept through to ready to send to a client – something I’d usually allow three days for. On this day, everything followed and felt amazing! It was the best ‘work’ work day I’ve had in a LONG time. Because I was patient and followed the energy and worked on it when it felt right? I didn’t force it, it flowed so beautifully.

So – knowing where to spend your time, following the energy. How has this part of the experiment changed my life?

I feel happy about having a balance between time to ‘be’ and learn, then time to apply. We spend most of our time applying but not stopping to really learn what we’re here to apply! It’s okay to slow down. You’ll be amazed at what you learn when you stop to listen to yourself and the knowledge that can be shared with you.

Following opportunities

The second area of learning relates to following opportunities. Notice it’s not about creating opportunities or taking opportunities. It’s about following opportunities. There’s a big and important difference (mentioned about that opportunities come from us living in the state of flow so we don’t actually need to think about how to create them).

So when you’re living in a state of flow and opportunities come up – follow them. Follow the flow (unless it really doesn’t feel right – still check in with your intuition).

There were things I needed opportunities for, but instead of creating them by throwing everything I had at it, I waited to see where the flow took me and it took me here….

I needed work opportunities. I’d started my own business because I needed to escape the corporate office world – but what next? An old friend got in touch and asked if I wanted to go for a drink. Something felt different about this opportunity (a feeling I can’t explain but I’m getting better at recognising my myself). When I went for the drink she asked if I wanted to join a meeting afterwards. So I did. I met lots of local people from charities and businesses…. And I got a lead which developed into my first big project. That project has allowed me to meet more great people and so following the flow and opportunities continue.

I needed time away – headspace. It had also been a long winter and I was longing for some sun. I was feeling out of whack. A friend then contacted me and said ‘hey, come to Qatar’, to which I had to say ‘I’d love to but just can’t at the moment with setting up the business and not having money etc’. Next thing I know she texts me a flight number and said ‘get on the plane and come stay with me’. Amazing! So I went to Qatar. Just before I travelled, Covid-19 hit. Flights were cancelled… but mine was rescheduled. Do I risk going and not getting back into the UK? Something in me said it would be fine (and that’s not just because I was desperate for the sunshine). So I went – lock-down hit and I got to spend proper time with my friend, in the sun, because everywhere was shut! We rested, watched rubbish TV, she cut my hair, I gave her some Reiki, ate our lunch in the sun and got to share thoughts about the universe and spirituality. We just enjoyed being and it was so energising. Before the lock-down hit, we did manage to fit in a couple of trips and I met some amazing women from India which I’m friends with on social media. Not sure why that’s significant but it felt like it was…. Maybe something for the future. I’ll report back when that happens!

So if an opportunity presents itself – check in with your intuition, notice how it feels and follow what feels right.

Taking specific action

Ever just felt like doing something – like you’re being carried along and are just doing things but it feels right? I’m having that feeling more and more. It’s awesome! If I feel like doing something then I follow that and here are some examples of specific actions I took after following that feeling.
This is different to following opportunities. Opportunities come from someone other than you. This specific action is about when YOU feel like you want to do something.

Leaving my job was a major deal. I went from being well-paid to self-employed and I didn’t really have a solid plan on how I was going to get leads. But a couple of feelings about doing specific things let me in the right direction….

Coffee craving and new business lead

I’d been caffeine-free for almost five years (after it made me quite sick), but one day I woke up and had the most overwhelming urge for a coffee. I’d bought my husband a new coffee machine a while back and got excited about going down and making a fresh coffee. I went downstairs and discovered we had no coffee beans! Nooooo! Luckily there was a little shop down the road that sold beans. I decided to go and buy beans. I’d never been to this shop before, despite how close it is to my house. The reason being is that it has weird opening times and I’d been working a job with long hours and was never around to go – until now (I’d quit my job by this point). I went to the shop and bought my beans and in doing so I also got into a conversation with the owner about their marketing – and funnily enough, I’d quit my job to start a marketing consultancy! Boom! How’s that for a lead when I needed one.

Veg buying and new business lead

There are lots of places to buy veg in my town. But the ultimate place to go is the market on a Tuesday morning. I sometimes go, but only when I feel like I can face that many people – especially with social distancing queuing in place. Mostly I’d been avoiding it. One morning I woke up super-early (not like me, I’m really not a morning person) and felt like I wanted to go to the market – so I went. There was a lady in the queue behind me that I recognised. Where did I know her from? Hmmm. We got talking and it turns out she runs a shop in a town nearby. I shop I’ve loved since I was a kid. She happened to mention she needs to look at her marketing and how to sell more online. Again, how’s that for a lead!

So feel like doing something randomly specific? Do it.

If you’ve made it to the end of the longest blog I think I’ve written – thank you. I hope by sharing specific examples of my own flow living experiment it inspires you to notice and start thinking about your own life flow. Do I still think I’m crazy? Nope. I feel lighter and like I’m living the right life now. What started as an experiment is now a new me. Welcome to the new me!

If you’ve had a similar experience then let me know!

Love and light x

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